Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No Risk Here

Feel like you are riding a rollercoaster and there is no safety bar?
Is you day at work like a rollercoaster that is made of marshmallow and you are wrapped in bubblewrap?

Either doesn't work.
You need the safety bar - rules and guidelines that help everyone make good business decisions based on the needs of the organization and grounded in the values of the company.

But at the same time, you cannot be strapped and restricted to the point of no motion.
Risk is good.  The level of risk needs to be assessed.
Risk can bring improvements, innovation, new customers, new products, new avenues for growth.

What to do?  The leader who refuses to take risks will stagnate...and so will their numbers and their development - of the business and the team.  Even taking measured risks will provide growth.  No risks creates complacency for both your clients and your team. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hand Up

It's the gesture.
You are speaking and the hand goes Sex in the City 2 and Miranda ends up quitting her job.
This is the worst .
The hand just puts an end to everything - your thoughts, your momentum, your self -esteem.

What should you do?
Politely ask the gesture-er to not do that, let them know how insulting it is, and how to better go about getting a space in the conversation.

Friday, November 12, 2010

We're All In This

I was spending some time researching and reviewing notes this week for upcoming articles, posts and discussions and stumbled across a great line on a comic by Roy Delgado in the Harvard Business Review issue from July-August 2009.  His comic is beautifully drawn, but this image gets the point across too.

"Remember, we're all in this - not together, but we're all in this"

The story of the leader who is only in it with you if all is going well is all too common.  And like the image, we look up at this leader anyway.  It is time to break the bonds that are only fastened with elastic bands, fitting tightly only at the discretion of the you have elastic bands?

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Medical Rant

OK service and leadership go together

So I would think if you were in the medical profession
At one point in your life
You made the decision to follow that path because you wanted to help people.

Well stop it if you are tired of it.

We can hear the exasperation in your voice
When we answer your questions,
That you've asked a million times before
But don't remember because
You failed to read the notes you took.

We can hear the condescension in your voice when you tell us to relax
You know, just because you do a gunk exam 100+ times per year,
I only go through it once a year, and relaxing is not easy.

How about your sarcasm telling me to lose weight?

I am here,

After six months of waiting,

To talk to you about my back injury from a car accident two years ago.

You don't think that I would still be running half marathons if I could actually run for more than 5 minutes without my leg falling asleep?

How about asking how all this happened?

How about getting to know me instead of trying to get me out of your office as fast as possible?

How about not yelling at me because you didn't get all the information from my referring doctor
...and instead of sending them a scathing letter, pick the phone and explain your expectation?

What about if,
because you scheduled me an appointment during a time when I was unavailable,
and even though I told your assistant that,
you still want to charge me,
instead...make room on your calendar for me
....but I guess
I am a number

With a dollar sign in front of it.

If you are tired of dealing with people who are sick,
Having issues,
Need help,
Then stop.

Go do something else that might make you happy.
It's okay to change careers.

We feel bad enough coming see you as it is.

We don't need your attitude to make us feel worse.

If you don't want to help,
to serve any longer
Go find something else to do.